
标题: 印度要求删除疫情负面贴文?白宫发言人仅回了一句话 [打印本页]

作者: 爱拍没有我    时间: 2021-4-29 01:56
标题: 印度要求删除疫情负面贴文?白宫发言人仅回了一句话

在 26 日的白宫新闻发布会上,有记者就此事向白宫新闻秘书普萨基提问,普萨基仅回复了一句," 与我们对于世界范围内言论自由的观点不符 "。
"Well, that certainly wouldn't be aligned with our view of freedom of speech around the world," White House Press Secretary said at Monday's briefing in response to a question on the government's actions.
《印度教徒报》 ( The Hindu ) 报道称,在印度政府提出删除批评抗疫不力和传播假消息的要求后,推特已经删除了超过 50 条贴文。

据《纽约时报》 报道称,推特方面回应称:" 如内容违反了推特的社区规范,内容将会从平台上被删除;但如果内容不违反平台规范,却违反了特定地区的法律,平台将针对该地区用户隐藏内容。"
In an emailed statement, Twitter said that if content "is determined to be illegal in a particular jurisdiction, but not in violation of Twitter's rules, we may withhold access to the content in India only," adding that in that case it would notify users.
栏目主编:赵翰露 本文作者:中国日报 文字编辑:宋彦霖 题图来源:新华社 图片编辑:曹立媛

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